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Re: The Black Dossier Theory

Posted: 26 May 2014 13:08
by WorldisQuiet5256

Re: The Black Dossier Theory

Posted: 26 May 2014 13:09
by WorldisQuiet5256
WorldisQuiet5256 wrote:
- ak - wrote: Also, you may want to look up the word "era" in the dictionary:

era (e•ra)
- a long and distinct period of history with a particular feature or characteristic;
- a system of chronology dating from a particular noteworthy event;
- a major division of time that is a subdivision of an eon and is itself subdivided into periods

The word "era" refer to a time in history, not a spatial location/reality that is Layer 1 or any other Layers.
And Don't go as far as to tell me the definition of Era. I know what it means.
Such as the 1960s was an era, the 1980s an era of its own.

I know what the word means. But do tell we know how much time has pass?
No...we do not. You all have your "Own" submachine timeline. I recall one of the big debates in the old pastel forum was simple on "How much Time has pass". And again, between each Game of the main Series, between there creation and submission by Mateusz, do we know how much of Actual Time has pass?

No....we do not. You may each view the passing of time between Submachine 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 to be under a few seconds. But do you know that? At the end of Submachine 2 we thought we travel too far or too early.

Then with the introduction of Submachine 9, the Temple, Mateusz did a spectacular intro to simple answer an age old submachine question.

Yes we know what "Era" and "first" mean. But this is Mateusz own little world. His wording are that of knew definition on there own.

Do tell you know what "First Sub-Era" means?
I could say that the first "Earth-Era" was the year 1900. But then one of you could claim it was Dec 25th. 0001. upon the transition of B.C. to A.D.
We could argue over the definition of "The First Earth-Era" till the cows come home.

But that is not the point. The word "The First Sub-Era" is a mystery on its own definition. Sub-Era alone is vague, and First Sub-Era is even more vague. Cause do tell me, when we read that note in SUbmachine 5, the Root; how long ago is "The First Sub-Era"? :ugeek: :ugeek: :ugeek: :ugeek:

And Again, I see it not as a concept of "When" but "Where".
The whole history of both Murtaugh and Elizabeth has happened 2 times already. Murtaugh and Elizabeth History is the 3rd.

Re: The Black Dossier Theory

Posted: 26 May 2014 13:09
by WorldisQuiet5256
And that quote from the bible, "What has happen before will happen again".
I applauded Mateusz interpretation of that.
The Genius in its Simplicity.

But at the end of Submachine 9, we needed 3 Wisdom Gems.
And that gives even more genius within the simplicity.


Its like a chines puzzle box. You can put 3 diamonds side by side of each other.


Re: The Black Dossier Theory

Posted: 26 May 2014 13:10
by WorldisQuiet5256
- ak - wrote:The point of creating theory is to have critique on how valid it seems to be. So far, Einstein = Shiva theory is weak because the connections you made, while logical, is rather tame with several counter-points made against it.

Heck, check out my Dimensional Pathway theory (coordinate 628). You can make claims that my theory may not holds up against all of revelations we have learned in Sub_7, 8, and 9.

Although, there's one thing that you may want to expand on:
WorldisQuiet5256 wrote:
- ak - wrote: Also, you may want to look up the word "era" in the dictionary:

era (e•ra)
- a long and distinct period of history with a particular feature or characteristic;
- a system of chronology dating from a particular noteworthy event;
- a major division of time that is a subdivision of an eon and is itself subdivided into periods

The word "era" refer to a time in history, not a spatial location/reality that is Layer 1 or any other Layers.
And Don't go as far as to tell me the definition of Era. I know what it means.
Such as the 1960s was an era, the 1980s an era of its own.

I know what the word means. But do tell we know how much time has pass?
No...we do not. You all have your "Own" submachine timeline. I recall one of the big debates in the old pastel forum was simple on "How much Time has pass". And again, between each Game of the main Series, between there creation and submission by Mateusz, do we know how much of Actual Time has pass?

No....we do not. You may each view the passing of time between Submachine 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 to be under a few seconds. But do you know that? At the end of Submachine 2 we thought we travel too far or too early.

Then with the introduction of Submachine 9, the Temple, Mateusz did a spectacular intro to simple answer an age old submachine question.

Yes we know what "Era" and "first" mean. But this is Mateusz own little world. His wording are that of knew definition on there own.

Do tell you know what "First Sub-Era" means?
I could say that the first "Earth-Era" was the year 1900. But then one of you could claim it was Dec 25th. 0001. upon the transition of B.C. to A.D.
We could argue over the definition of "The First Earth-Era" till the cows come home.

But that is not the point. The word "The First Sub-Era" is a mystery on its own definition. Sub-Era alone is vague, and First Sub-Era is even more vague. Cause do tell me, when we read that note in SUbmachine 5, the Root; how long ago is "The First Sub-Era"? :ugeek: :ugeek: :ugeek: :ugeek:

And Again, I see it not as a concept of "When" but "Where".
The whole history of both Murtaugh and Elizabeth has happened 2 times already. Murtaugh and Elizabeth History is the 3rd.

And when I say "Has happened 2 times before", I mean those repeated events started in their own layer. The 1st time this history reoccurred was in layer 1. Then the second time was layer 2. And Murtaugh was originally from layer 3.
I have to admit that this is a rather good counterpoint against my argument about spacetime concept in Submachine Network, which has been heavily debated time and time again. Stick with that, you might be onto something here. Especially with the Wisdom Gems, although we have seen total of 4 so far in the series, 3 of them that we used time and time again. What happens to the one that we used to activate the Portal Gate in Sub_7?

Re: The Black Dossier Theory

Posted: 26 May 2014 13:11
by WorldisQuiet5256
WorldisQuiet5256 wrote:There are only 3 Wisdom Gems. The one from Submachine 7, is one of those gems.
A: its called a Engergy Gem, not a wisdom Gem.
B: because of this.
lost in the subnet over the years.
For starts its the same Wisdom Gem from the root at coordinates 1, 2.

But its one that been around for awhile. Since it was called an "Energy Gem". That simple means its wisdom was ignor for a power sources.

Like the Bagdad Battery. Its does not serve the same purpose of a Wisdom Gem per say, but its a good comparison to an actual object from this earth.

My point being was this: When the Mover was confiscated, where did it go? And what of those Wisdom Gems?
The people in the core knew about the wisdom Gem location in the root, but the Murtaughs simply got to those first. But not the one from coordinates 1,2. And those wisdom gems are also at the sanctuary, ... ded%29.png

Zoom in on the desk near the cliff side, how many boxes are there? Three. The other wisdom Gems are in those boxes, but the boxes themselves are in another layer of reality of the Sanctuary Location. The one with the energy Gem we use was in a lock box and the key was left on the other side of the second shield.

Same goes for the other keys in their own layer. Unlike Murtaugh when he had to get pass the equipment, he had to retrieve all 3 of the wisdom gems from their own layer of the sanctuary. Otherwise hes could not "Walk" through the portal and arrive back in the winter palace intact. Cause if he had only one of the gates repaired and powered by one energy Crystal, he could not walk through the Arch while leaving his other selves back at the sanctuary.

And I know it is still possible to activate all 7 portal arches with only 3 Energy Crystals. We had to do the same thing in order to get the the 8th button for the navigator.
Both the zeros and ones are Arch portal in their own layer. But the ones with the 1s are the one in their own layer with a slot for the Energy Gems. While the one with zeros are the arches in there own layer that don't need a Energy Gem to power them cause the 1s in their own layers are evenly spreading the power.

You think the that puzzle was hard? The player only had to do it the one time, but lets remember he did not have the navigator yet, so he only had to cross the gate once.

Re: The Black Dossier Theory

Posted: 26 May 2014 13:12
by WorldisQuiet5256
WorldisQuiet5256 wrote:Well look at it this way, in Submachine 9 the temple, not only did we go as far back to the mover to get the Wisdom Gem still at a younger age, but we also went as far back in time right after we left the mover to the defense system one.

Re: The Black Dossier Theory

Posted: 26 May 2014 13:12
by WorldisQuiet5256
- ak - wrote:
Sublevel 102 wrote:
We may reach the end of OUR story, not Submachine's story, at the Exit...
But what is OUR story and what is story of submachine?
What is difference?
Perhaps I should clarify what I meant since sometime I wasn't specific enough. We're probably never meant to learn what Submachine really is in term of its exact origin and purpose as an object in the series, but we're meant to learn about Submachine as a character with ongoing history, like what we're learning about history of Murtaugh, Elizabeth, and the people of Seven Layers that suffers from the Collapse. Our story is possibly to explore the history of human civilization's decay and rejuvenation in conjunction with Murtaugh's actions. We're also exploring the evolving relationships and dynamics between the humans and the Submachine, how they drifted away and possibly float back toward each other again from what we see in how Submachine reacts to humans (as mentioned in the notes from Sub_7 and Sub_9).

Our story in this series is to learn their story. And yet, it is possible that we were already part of what happened through Sub_1 to 7 before reaching that Portal within Portal between Sub_7 and 8 and are learning the consequences of our part in the story. That's what I meant by our story because we are part of it, either by learning their story and/or being part of it.

The one thing I still couldn't grasp my head around despite me understanding everything else in the series are "those who are trapped in the Eighth Layer." What are their part in the story?

Re: The Black Dossier Theory

Posted: 26 May 2014 13:13
by WorldisQuiet5256
WorldisQuiet5256 wrote:Who said that?
Like I said, the player in the main Series is making it through with exceptional skills. He/she would not have been able to do so if he/she just skip past everything.

The Exit was there all along.

Re: The Black Dossier Theory

Posted: 26 May 2014 13:13
by WorldisQuiet5256
- ak - wrote: That's one idea.

Another idea is that there is an Exit to the real world, away from Submachine.

And yet another idea is that there's no such as Exit.

My idea is that there is an Exit... in a different sense. The Exit could refers to a programming jargon such as exit program or exit routine. It could also refers to Exit() function that terminates program execution and to return to operating system. It could fits within the Submachine series since some of environments in the series and Sub_Universe show hints of Submachine as one giant network of quantum computers.

We will see eventually.

Re: The Black Dossier Theory

Posted: 26 May 2014 13:14
by WorldisQuiet5256
WorldisQuiet5256 wrote:I said there were only 3 wisdom Crystals within the existence of the Submachine, and I mean that.


Now...I said in other post I only drink water, and there are two reason for that.
A: Water is the only liquid that taste right
B: Water may be tasteless to some people, but if Water I drink doesn't taste right, it because I taste part of it that been through a dirty pipe or something like.

And...I mention Water in a previous post as part on this thread.
There is a reason. This is an actual memory of mine.

When one year on the morning of Christmas when my brother didn't move out yet, he said to me "Don't Eat the Yellow snow", and me; while still in my young Rebellious years said "I still will" or something like that. HE then laugh and Explain to me why not to eat the yellow snow.

Now...simple as an example, Jesus during the last supper share a cup contain wine with the rest of his disciples, now...I know of a similar thing to which make everyone on earth my brother and sister. At one point or another, you shared the same drop of water I drank before or after you did. Particularly, the same single atom of H2O.

And again, I said how it was not Murtaugh simple being in the same place at the same time, it was actually his version in the other layer once either drank or touch a droplet of regular clean water. In particular, the same atom of H2O that had one thing within the atomic structure of that single Atom of H2O. Karma Water. was Elizabeth Given Her powers?
Or Sir Henry O'Toole?

They didn't put their hand in the Kent Water fall in their own layers, they simple either touch or drank the same drop of H2O, that was the same Atom of H2O that was presents in the other layers, that contained their own same drop of Karma Water.

The Karma Water is not restricted to location at the Temple alone. Its "leaking" into the realm of the Submachine, or least the word Leaking is the best word for what I mean. But it not the point weather its intention or not, it just like the water cycle on earth.
