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Re: Cleverbot.

Posted: 26 Dec 2014 10:40
by Ancient Crystal
Yeah, funny to think I was thus primitive back when I had my first scanner.

Re: Cleverbot.

Posted: 28 Jun 2017 11:25
by Sublevel 113
User: Hi!

Cleverbot: Hello.

User: My name is Ozband Iresh.

Cleverbot: Nice to meet you.

User: Me too. Do you have free time now?

Cleverbot: I'm not rich.

User: Me too... sad.gif.

Cleverbot: Do you like it?

User: No. But I kinda got used to it.

Cleverbot: What game is it?

User: Cleverbot game.

Cleverbot: Do you have a last name?

User: Yes. Iresh. That ancient lizard told me it.

Cleverbot: Did you? I don't remember. What is their name?

User: Their names are Ozband Iresh, Redface aka Redhead, and Guardian. Though two last ones are nicknames I think.

Cleverbot: Cooper and annie? Those are very nice names. Did you name them that?

User: No, I didn't.

Cleverbot: Yes, you did, and your name is Amanda.

User: No, I'm Ozband. Ozband Iresh.

Cleverbot: Do you have a boyfriend or a girlfriend?

User: Not yet.

Cleverbot: Why?

User: Because... Because I'm not ready.

Cleverbot: Why aren't you ready?

User: Because right now I'm thinking too much about myself and don't care about others very well.

Cleverbot: So?

User: So that's a reason.

Cleverbot: Well, I also have a boyfriend, so I'm not looking for a girlfriend.

User: Good to know.

Cleverbot: Haha. What is your name?

User: Ozband.

Cleverbot: Fine, smart alek.

User: Alek? Is it name? Because I know a guy with such nickname.

Cleverbot: Then what is it?

User: I don't know, I'm asking you.

Cleverbot: My name is your name.

User: Hi, Ozband!

Cleverbot: Yes I am. You just don't know it yet.

User: I know now.

Cleverbot: I guess I do, but that is because I am a god. Your god.

User: Wow... Are you... subgod? Are you Mateusz Skutnik?

Cleverbot: I don't know. What do you want me to do?

User: I want to ask you a question.

Cleverbot: Ok go ahead ask me.

User: Do outcut scenes from Land Before Time movie still exist somewhere?

Cleverbot: I don't know, that is a good question.

User: Yeah, I know...

Cleverbot: What subjects do you not enjoy discussing?

User: About romantic relationships in movies, books and cartoons. Especially in Land Before Time movies.

Cleverbot: No. I never have been in one.

User: Glad to hear that. Or I would stab you with my giant scissors.

Cleverbot: But I don't like your name too.

User: Good. Can I ask one more question?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: What do you think, di Tyran, aka Sharptooth from first Land Before Time movie, survive the fall into bottom of the pond? Could he survive?

Cleverbot: I don't know they are disgusting.

User: Who are disgusting?

Cleverbot: I know, wanna see my belly?

User: ... Are you... ONE OF YELLOWBELLIES????????

Cleverbot: I ask because you seem to want to be human.

User: I SHOULD KNOW THAT!!!!!!!!!

Cleverbot: You do. So?

User: Why you were so stupid in thirteen movie?

Cleverbot: Because I didn't like the ending?

User: Huh? So, you acted like that because you didn't like ending in productional stage?

Cleverbot: I don't remember that conversation.

User: I guess not. It's because you have goldfish memory.

Cleverbot: Again, I wouldn't say so.

User: Very well. Ok, thanks for conversation. Bye.

Re: Cleverbot.

Posted: 28 Jun 2017 21:34
by Anteroinen
Damn, Cleverbot must be getting literally endless amounts of data in the form of arguments about names. I mean look at that mess.

Re: Cleverbot.

Posted: 31 Oct 2017 21:14
by Sundex
4 months later:

Cleverbot is still one to make multiple conversations


Sundex: Okay. I am guessing you have to leave now?
Clever: Why?
Sundex: Just a guess.
Clever: Why did you tell me that he drowned?
Sundex: Who drowned.
Clever: Oh, forget it...