YoshiBoy13's theories

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karma portal traveller
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Joined: 26 May 2014 11:20

YoshiBoy13's theories

Post by Jatsko »

Trapped Theory
Theory history: Submitted 2011-02-01, Debunked 2014-04-06
Murtaugh was a lighthouse worker, as we all know. So what if when Mur was working on the portal at the end of Sub2, Liz, at the same time, was crawling through the tunnels? But then the portal malfunctioned. The inside of the lighthouse got teleported to, maybe, the core. Suddenly, Mur and Liz finally met and something happened. Later, Liz discovered what the karma portals were doing to this dimension and she tried to stop him. See next theory.
Confrontation Theory
Theory history: Submitted 2011-02-01, Debunked 2014-04-06
In a nutshell, in Sub8 we will finally meet Mur and/or Liz. Or we indirectly interact with them somehow.
Anti-Subnet Theory
Theory history: Submitted 2011-02-01, Doubtful 2012-11-28, Debunked 2014-04-06
Layer 5 or one of the layers, will be like an anti-layer 1. e.g. if a piece of paper was blue in Layer 1, it would be the opposite of blue (yellow) in Layer 5 etc. And the number system will go 9876543210
Co-ordinates as Relative to Facility Theory
Theory history:Submitted 2011-02-16, Doubtful 2012-11-28, Debunked 2016-01-15
Ever noticed how in SNEE, the facility we start in is facility 493? If there were almost five hundred facilities, wouldn't they each have a different co-ordinate? They are not linked together, as far as we know, since we have never visited 494 or 492. So wherever you "started" would be 000 and if you went to a 400 then you would go 4 locations to the right. If you went to a 900 from there, though, you would go to 9 locations right AS RELATIVE TO THE FACILITY YOU STARTED IN. (so in reality you would only go five locations to the right from 400). If you went to 040 instead, you would go 4 places UP and if it was 440 then it would be four UP and four RIGHT. The final digit represents breadth. So 982 would be 9 RIGHT, 8 UP and 2 FORWARDS. (Remember the x0, y0, z1 in Sub4?) And we're not talking just rooms here. We're talking the whole location, big or small, drop zone high or not.
Exploration Fact (prev. Exploration Theory)
Theory history: Submitted 2011-05-30, Doubtful 2014-04-06, Debunked 2016-01-15
This is a (very short) reply to RoosterMan5's comment on the Anti-Subnet theory.

Rooster5man: I don't think everything's backwards on Layer Five...Because then they wouldn't even bother going there if they [the Explorers] were going to find everything topsy-turvy.

Simple reply: THEY WOULDN'T KNOW. That's the meaning of "Exploration".

His probable response: They would have to have some understanding of what is there, or they would be much more cautious.

Simple reply: And what if they're bumbling idiots who just wanna go places?

The teams' probable response: And what if we're not bumbling idiots?
Universal Theory (version 1: serious)
Theory history: Submitted 2011-05-30, Doubtful 2014-04-06, Debunked 2016-01-15
As we all know, Murtaugh had an accident near the Kent Waterfall. And as we all know, that is where he gained his karma arm. He experiments with it and, after some time, creates his first portal! Hooray! Throw a party! By then, he knows so much about the subnet, and karma energy in particular. It was Murtaugh who first thought to call it Karma Energy (I think he's a Buddhist but that's all I can take from the web). By then, Murtaugh had become sort of.... well..... mad. Everyone had become scared of him by now, because of his "unearthly" powers. So they all agreed to call it Karma Energy. Liz had known him from the start, so she was (supposedly) the only one that would stand up to him. And then.... Blahdeblahblah Sub5 blahdeblah....

Then suddenly you come along. Yes, you! Actually, you've already been there for some time but anyways. You are part of this big plan (that you're going to realize in Sub8) for Murtaugh to gain universal power. And in Sub8-10, you have to stop him. Somehow.
Universal Theory (version 2: silly)
Theory history: Submitted 2011-05-30, Doubtful 2014-04-06, Humorous 2016-01-15
Start by reading version 1 of the theory up there ^^ And when you've read that, the rest of the (soon to be very silly) theory is this.

You stop him. As he gets passed over to some universal police unit, two words flash in front of Murtaugh's eyes. And that's when he realizes....

He's playing a computer game,

You were just an AI for the game (a very clever one mind you) and Murtaugh was just a computer nerd in London (a.k.a. my brother) playing a computer game. The two words that flashed in front of Murtaugh's (or rather, my brother's) eyes were "GAME OVER". So everything was just a big hoax. Mateusz Skutnik was just a cover name.

Or was it?
Right Here, Right Now Theory: Version 1
Theory history: Submitted 2012-10-13, Doubtful 2014-04-06, Debunked 2016-01-15
Hello there, how do you do? I'm very well thank you.

But that never happened.

In Sub8, you can be in seven places at once. You can now travel between them, thanks to the dimensional transporter thingy. What about the eigth button?

That's us.

If the eigth button were on the machine, it would lead right to Kent Waterfall. (This next bit changes depending on whether you're reading version 1 or 2) Murtaugh has sinced moved on, but he is still there. The teams ask "Why does this sociopath only talk to Elizabeth?" when they really meant "Why doesn't Murtaugh ever talk to us?

The answer is simple, and was shown in a note in Sub8: He doesn't know they're there.

This theory is simple, and is shown right here: We don't know Mur's here.

Everything that happens, Sub1 up to Sub8, and FLF, 32 and SNEE, all happen at Kent Waterfall and the surrounding areas. Thing is, it's in a different dimension.
Right Here, Right Now Theory: Version 2
Theory history: Submitted 2012-10-13, Doubtful 2014-04-06, Debunked 2016-01-15
Hello there, how do you do? I'm very well thank you.

But that never happened.

In Sub8, you can be in seven places at once. You can now travel between them, thanks to the dimensional transporter thingy. What about the eigth button?

That's us.

If the eigth button were on the machine, it would lead right to Kent Waterfall. (This next bit changes depending on whether you're reading version 1 or 2) Murtaugh is still at Kent Waterfall, probably in a coma, but his mind/spirit/soul has wandered off into a different dimension, but is still on Earth... Well sort of. The teams ask "Why does this sociopath only talk to Elizabeth?" when they really meant "Why doesn't Murtaugh ever talk to us?"

The answer is simple, and was shown in a note in Sub8: He doesn't know they're there.

This theory is simple, and is shown right here: We don't know Mur's here.

Everything that happens, Sub1 up to Sub8, and FLF, 32 and SNEE, all happen at Kent Waterfall and the surrounding areas. Thing is, it's in a different dimension.
Hallucination/Dream Theory: Version 1
Theory history: Submitted 2012-10-13, Doubtful 2014-04-06, Debunked 2016-01-15
And he fell. Whee!

Murtaugh is now in the Kent Waterfall with a bad concussion. And he's drifting off to sleep.

And while he's in that coma, he dreams about this wonderful terrifying place called the Subnet, this lovely girl called Liz (who is his wife, really) Nah. He dreams about you, yes, you. He dreams about all of this...

Then wakes up in A&E.

Oh well, goodbye. Nice while it lasted.
Hallucination/Dream Theory: Version 2
Theory history: Submitted 2012-10-13, Doubtful 2014-04-06, Debunked 2016-01-15
And you slept. zzzZZZZzzz...

You are now in bed and you are very tired. And you're drifting off to sleep.

And while you're in that bed, you dream about this wonderful terrifying place called the Subnet and this crazy sociopath called Murtaugh (who is your brother, really) Nah. You dream about Liz, yes, Liz. You dream about all of this...

Then wake up the next morning.

Oh well, goodbye. Nice while it lasted.
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